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npx remotion compositions

Available from v2.6.12.

Print list of composition IDs based on a path of an entry point.

npx remotion compositions <entry-file>
npx remotion compositions <entry-file>



React Props that can be retrieved using getInputProps(). Must be a serialized JSON string (--props='{"hello": "world"}') or a path to a JSON file (./path/to/props.json).


Inline JSON string isn't supported on Windows because it removes the " character, use a temporary file instead.


Specify a location for the Remotion config file.


Specify a location for a dotenv file. Default .env. Available in v2.2 and later.


Enable or disable Webpack caching. This flag is enabled by default, use --bundle-cache=false to disable caching.


Set the log level. Increase or decrease the amount of output. Acceptable values: error, warn, info (default), verbose


If you don't feel like passing command line flags every time, consider creating a remotion.config.ts config file.


Set a custom HTTP server port to host the Webpack bundle. If not defined, Remotion will try to find a free port.


Available from v3.2.13

Define the location of the public/ directory.. If not defined, Remotion will assume the location is the public folder in your Remotion root.


Set a custom ffmpeg executable. If not defined, a ffmpeg executable will be searched in PATH.


Set a custom ffprobe executable. If not defined, a ffprobe executable will be searched in PATH.


Define how long it may take to resolve all delayRender() calls before the composition fetching times out in milliseconds. Default: 30000.



Results in invalid SSL certificates in Chrome, such as self-signed ones, being ignored.


This will most notably disable CORS in Chrome among other security features.


Opens an actual browser to observe the composition fetching.

--quiet, --q

Only prints the composition IDs, separated by a space.